Fall ushers in a season of change, and for individuals with hearing aids, it presents an opportune moment to consider an upgrade. With advancing technology, modern hearing aids offer a host of enhanced features that can significantly improve overall auditory experiences. As year-end festivities approach, upgraded your hearing aids can empower you to engage more fully in social gatherings, ensuring you don’t miss cherished moments with loved ones.

Your Lifestyle Has Changed

One reason you may want to upgrade your hearing aids this fall is because your lifestyle has changed. It’s possible with the fall season you want to spend more time outdoors hiking and participating in other activities that keep you active. One option is to switch to a hearing aid design that suppresses wind noise.

Updates with Technology

Another reason why fall is the perfect time to upgrade your hearing aids is that technology has improved over the years. Now is a good time to get with your audiologist and figure out if you could use an upgrade. Technology continues to evolve and change and you may want to have hearing aids with new features this fall. Some versions now have better noise-canceling options and can provide better solutions if you are dealing with tinnitus, for example.

Your Hearing Aids Aren’t Functioning Well Anymore

It may also be the case that you notice your pair of hearing aids aren’t functioning as well as they once did. This can be from usual wear and tear or maybe there is earwax or moisture buildup that can occur over time, especially with the change in seasons. The reality is that over time there are parts that should be replaced and now is the perfect opportunity to do so.

Your audiologist can look them over and have them properly cleaned or even replaced for you. They are very small devices and you may not notice how much buildup there is in the microphones or receivers. If your device is more than five years old some manufacturers won’t even offer you a replacement at this point.

Your Health Has Changed

It’s possible that lately, your health has changed with the change of seasons. Therefore, fall may be the right time to upgrade your hearing aids. Some features that didn’t bother you prior may be a nuisance to you now. If you have problems with handling small devices or you have arthritis in your hands then you may prefer a different style altogether. For example, behind-the-ear (BTE) or in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids might be better solutions for individuals with dexterity issues instead of in-the-canal (ITC) styles.

You can also eliminate the hassle of having to change the batteries often by getting rechargeable hearing aids. If you prefer not to handle the hearing aids at all if you have other health issues preventing you from doing so, then you should make an appointment with your audiologist for help.

You’ve Had a Change in Your Hearing

You may notice that this fall season you have had a change in your hearing. In this case, you should work on replacing and upgrading your hearing aids. Hearing loss can worsen with age, especially if you’ve been wearing your hearing aids for some time. It’s best to meet with an audiologist who can let you know if you need to replace your hearing aids altogether or simply make an adjustment to your current pair. It’s not always the case that you will need a new pair. In some instances, your audiologist can reprogram your hearing aids to meet your new hearing threshold. Doing so will help improve your daily life and communication with others.

The Importance of Cleaning and Upgrading Your Hearing Aids

At the very minimum, you should be routinely cleaning your hearing aids this fall. You may be outside more in cold weather and you may notice more moisture and earwax buildup on them. Cleaning them will help ensure they are functioning properly and you can get the most out of your hearing aids. Your goal is to keep them in the best shape possible so you can hear as well as you did when you first got them.

The fall season is almost here and this means getting up to date with your hearing needs. These are just some of the reasons why you may want to upgrade your hearing aids this fall. If it’s time to replace them then just be glad you and your audiologist can work together to get the right solution and fit.

Are you ready to get your hearing checked or have questions? Then learn more about Hearing Professionals of Alabama by contacting our team at: Auburn: (334) 539-5335 and Montgomery: (334) 557-8930.

Tags: hearing aid styles