Seeing a hearing specialist is a vital part of looking after your overall health, even if it’s something you haven’t given a lot of thought to before. If you haven’t scheduled an appointment to have your hearing evaluated with an audiologist before, you may not know what to expect – this is totally normal. Luckily, having your hearing tested is a simple, non-invasive procedure that your specialist will be able to walk you through. However, if you’re looking for additional ways to prepare yourself ahead of time – whether it’s because you feel anxious or because you want to ensure you get the most out of your appointment – there are several small steps you can take, starting with the tips below.

Consider Your Hobbies and Lifestyle

While an audiologist specializes in looking after your hearing, they’re not just going to focus on your ears. They’ll take more than a few factors into account when examining your hearing and diagnosing any issues you might have. To do that, they’ll need to know a bit about your lifestyle first. Since quite a few factors can affect your hearing, your hearing specialist needs to know about them. Some of them will be risk factors in developing hearing loss. Going to concerts, hunting and even taking certain medication can all contribute to this.

By knowing the details of your lifestyle, your audiologist is in a much better position to actually help you. Consider the various aspects of your hobbies and interests and ensure you’ve informed your audiologist about ones that may be impacting your hearing. Once you do, you can have a much better examination that actually diagnoses any issues.

Don’t Overlook Small Details that Could Be Symptoms

When you’re thinking about your lifestyle and anything else related to your hearing, it’s easy to overlook a few things. You could think they’re minor and not related to anything, but your audiologist might disagree. It could be much more relevant than you might think.

Make sure you don’t overlook them and keep your hearing specialist as informed as possible. Even if you think it’s a minor detail, it’s worth telling them about it. The sound volume on your TV is a great example of this. While it might seem small to you, it could be much more relevant to your audiologist, additional symptoms include:

  • Frequently asking for repetition
  • Difficulty following conversations in noisy environments
  • Turning up the volume on electronic devices
  • Struggling to hear on the phone
  • Avoidance of social gatherings
  • Misinterpreting spoken words or sounds
  • Feeling fatigued after prolonged listening efforts
  • Difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds

If it’s somewhat related to your hearing, even tangentially, it’s worth telling your hearing professional about it. Even if it ends up not being important, it’s still something they should be told about. It might help with your examination more than you’d think.

Research Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are often one of the main ways you can maintain your auditory health if hearing loss is present. They help you keep your quality of life when you’re experiencing hearing loss. Despite that, quite a few people would be hesitant to get them. Some believe it’s a sign they’re getting old and believe quite a few other misconceptions. If you do a little bit of research; however, you’ll find out that many of these can be false. They can be much more appealing than you’d think, and they offer multiple benefits.

Then there’s the fact there are several types of hearing aids you can choose from, including in-the-canal (ITC), behind-the-ear (BTE) and in the ear (ITE) styles. Each of these offer their pros and cons, making some of them more appealing than others. If you’re experiencing hearing loss, look into these before you see a hearing specialist. It’ll put you in a better position to make a decision about them once you’re there.

Talk to an Audiologist Today

If you want to take care of your ears and overall health, it’s important to schedule an appointment with an audiologist. When selecting the right hearing specialist, make sure you find one that listens to you and makes you feel comfortable. At Hearing Professionals of Alabama, that’s exactly what we do. We work with you to make everything as simple and straightforward as possible. With us, your hearing health is in good hands. If you’re in Auburn, give us a call at (334) 539-5335 to schedule an appointment with a dedicated hearing specialist. We’re can also be reached in Montgomery by calling (334) 557-8930.