As the sun shines brighter and the temperatures rise, it’s time to gear up for the exciting season of summer concerts and festivals. These live events bring people together to celebrate music, connect with friends and create lasting memories. If you wear hearing aids, you might be wondering how to fully enjoy summer concerts without compromising your hearing health. You audiologist will compile essential tips to make the most of the summer concert season while taking care of your hearing needs.

Plan Ahead

Before heading out to a concert or festival, it’s important to plan and prepare. If you haven’t booked your tickets yet, take the time to research any venue you are not familiar with to get an idea of the layout and potential noise levels. You can also reach out to the event organizers to ask about their sound systems and any accessibility options, including captioning or reserved seating and placement for individuals with hearing loss. Typically, many venues and events will already share more information on their website. But if the information isn’t readily available, it is best to ask rather than assume.

Choose the Right Hearing Aids

Indeed, hearing aids come in different sizes and styles to cater for different preferences and levels of hearing loss: in the ear (ITE), behind the ear (BTE) and in the canal (ITC) are some of the most popular options. ITE hearing aids are custom-made to fit inside the outer ear bowl, while BTE devices sit behind the ear with a tube that connects to an earmold. ITC hearing instruments are small and fit partially inside the ear canal.

When you consult with an audiologist, they will consider your hearing loss, lifestyle and personal preferences to recommend the most appropriate hearing aid style for you. These will not only be fully tailored to your hearing health but also your unique situation.

Ensure Proper Hearing Aid Fitting and Function

Before embarking on your concert adventure, you want to ensure that your hearing aids fit properly and are in good working condition. It’s a good idea to schedule a visit with your audiologist to have your devices checked and adjusted if necessary.

This will also be the opportunity to clean your hearing aids and replace any worn-out components. Being proactive will help optimize the performance of your hearing instruments during the event, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the music. Your audiologist may also recommend additional features, such as noise reduction settings or directional microphones, which are designed to enhance the listening experience in noise environments.

Pack Hearing Protection

Hearing aids amplify sounds to improve your hearing experience. They do not provide protection for your ear against excessively loud music and sounds. It is essential to protect your ears from potential noise-induced damage, even if you are wearing hearing aids. It is worth reaching out to your audiologist to discuss the best hearing protection to use at a festival or a concert. Depending on your hearing health, your audiologist may recommend removing your hearing aids and wearing suitable earplugs or earmuffs instead. This would help to prevent further hearing loss.

Utilize Assistive Listening Devices (ALD)

Some concert venues offer ALDs to enhance the listening experience for individuals with hearing loss. If it is an option, the event organizers will be able to let you know. ALDs can transmit sound wirelessly to compatible hearing aids, allowing you to customize the volume and clarity according to your preferences.

Take Breaks and Rest Your Ears

Attending a concert or a music festival can be exhilarating, but it’s crucial to give your ears periodic breaks. Find quieter areas away from the stage or speaker system where you can rest and recover from the noise exposure. Take advantage of any designated relaxation zones or outdoor spaces provided by the event organizers. These breaks play an important role in reducing the overall noise impact on your ears and prevent over exposure.

Seek Out Captioned Performances

For individuals with hearing loss who rely on visual cues, captioned performances can significantly enhance the concert experience. Some events offer captioning services that display the lyrics of spoken words in real-time on screens. This accessibility feature allows you to follow along with the performance, ensuring that you don’t miss any crucial elements of the show.

To find out more about how experienced audiologists in our Hearing Professionals of Alabama team can assist you towards a more enjoyable concert experience, do not hesitate to get in touch. Call us today at Auburn, (334) 539-5335 or Montgomery (334) 557-8930 will be delighted to help check and prepare your hearing aids for a festival.

Tags: assistive listening devices, hearing aid styles, hearing aid technology