A lot of people in this world have to deal with hearing issues or even hearing loss. While it’s a completely normal thing that happens as we get older, that doesn’t mean we should just accept it. It can be a very frustrating thing and is something that can be treated quite simply. In this article, we’re going to be talking about the different kinds of hearing aids and which one might be perfect for you.

How Hearing Loss Tends to Happen

Hearing loss can happen in a variety of different ways. Nobody is immune from it, and it can hit us at any point. The most common way is through old age. Sometimes, brains and bodies just don’t work like they used to. Certain activities that can cause damage are very popular, too. Particular infections might also be responsible for hearing loss. The fact is that ears are vulnerable a lot of the time and can be susceptible to serious implications if we are not careful.

When a Person May Need Professional Help or a Hearing Device

Perhaps you’ve encountered temporary instances of mild hearing loss that quickly resolved on their own. However, if such occurrences persist or if you experience any discomfort, it could be an indication to take action. Seeking guidance from an audiologist is essential, as they can provide valuable insights and recommendations. The likelihood is that you may require a hearing device in the near future. The frustration of not being able to hear as clearly as before can impede various aspects of your life, making it crucial to address this issue proactively.

What a Hearing Aid Can Do for One’s Quality of Life

A hearing aid is a wonderful device that amplifies the sound around it. It can act like a speaker for somebody who cannot hear as well as they once could. Some of the most basic things in life can be taken away due to hearing loss. A hearing aid can bring it all back and make things a lot simpler.

The Different Types of Hearing Aids Out There

If you are in need of a hearing aid, you should know that there are a few different kinds out there. The different types are all based on the situation you are in. What one person needs may not exactly be the kind of thing you are in need of. Here are a few different types of popular hearing aids. Your audiologist will be able to give you advice and knowledge about these hearing aids and if one is right for you.

Behind the Ear (BTE)

Behind-the-ear hearing aids are the most common kind. They are the larger device that will sit behind your ear as opposed to inside it. They come attached to a piece of plastic with a tube that fits comfortably in the ear. They are easy to use and are suitable for pretty much everyone with mild-to-profound hearing loss.

Receiver in the Ear (RITE)

These types are very similar to the BTE hearing aids. The difference here is that the part that sits behind the ear is significantly smaller. It is also connected by a thin wire to a speaker that is placed inside the ear.

In the Ear (ITE)

In-the-ear hearing aids sit in the outer bowl of your ear. You may have seen them before as they fill the area just outside the opening of one’s ear. They are only visible from the side and cannot be seen from the front or behind. These hearing aids are for people with mild-to-moderately-severe hearing loss.

In the Canal (ITC)

In-the-canal hearing aids are similar to in-the-ear aids, but they are a little smaller. They only fill the opening of the ear and not the area around it. Due to their size, they can be quite tricky to use if you have dexterity issues, but they are extremely convenient. The size and power also mean that they will not be useful enough for people with severe hearing loss. These will suit individuals with mild-to-moderate hearing loss.

Completely in Canal (CIC)

Crafted to nestle deep within the ear canal, CIC hearing aids offer an unparalleled level of discreetness, virtually invisible to the observer’s eye. Custom-made to fit each wearer’s unique ear shape, they provide a snug and comfortable fit, optimizing both comfort and sound quality. Despite their smaller size, CIC hearing aids boast powerful capabilities, leveraging advanced digital processing to amplify sound, enhance speech understanding and reduce background noise interference.

If you feel as though you need professional help and the assistance of a hearing aids and knowing which will benefit you and your hearing loss, there are many audiologists out there who can help you. Getting in touch with Hearing Professionals of Alabama is a very good idea if you want experienced and expert attention. Call us today at Auburn: (334) 539-5335 or Montgomery: (334) 557-8930, we can’t wait to hear from you!

Tags: hearing aid selection tips, hearing aid styles, hearing aid technology